Science Research, Consultancy & Schooling

He was a believer in “younger-Earth” theories of his time and even wrote a vehement defense of this theory in about 419 AD; AFTER he wrote his book on the interpretation of Genesis.

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Science,science news,sid the science kid,computer science,data scienceAs a science writer you will research, write and edit scientific news, articles and features, for business, trade and skilled publications, specialist scientific and technical journals, and the overall media. What you don’t perceive is that as you may have admitted that science can not show all the pieces 100% and a few times changes similar goes for creationism it is based mostly on accounts in a ebook that is older then most scientific discoveries and some believe in it, you cannot change it with quotations by others that imagine solely in science as they cannot convince you by quotations based solely on creationism as i have all the time stated and also … Read the rest