Coronavirus Travel Recommendation Up to date

Since January 2016, Indonesian authorities have obtained threats from groups who say they’re planning attacks in Indonesia, including Bali. Analysis local legal guidelines before travelling.

travel advice ke indonesia

Travel AdviceIn 2010, the “Advice to travellers” passport was published, drawing attention to the significance, in terms of digital safety, of being (at the least) as careful when travelling as when at your workstation. Mr Hancock mentioned that there were no changes to journey advice about going to Italy however those returning and displaying signs ought to self-isolate. The FCO has, nevertheless, added advice concerning the virus to quite a few its pages, together with Japan, Hong Kong and Australia.

Travellers who are unwell with flu-like signs within 10 days of returning from Bali are suggested to consult their GPs. For anybody who is planning to travel abroad, guidance might be discovered on fitfortravel Where a COVID-19 risk is recognized, country pages … Read the rest